Dog obedience
We have developed a sound, well structured programme that works well for both dog and owner. Having said this, it must be understood the importance of using the correct method of training to suit the individual dog. Not all dogs are the same, ideally we like positive reward based training but some dogs are not interested in food, and using their favourite toy as a reward can have its problems with some dogs as all they want to do is mess about and play with it and not concentrate. In all training the most basic and fundamental part is to teach your dog to watch you and for you to bond better with your dog and therefore develop a good working relationship.What most owners want is a good companion that is fun but most importantly obedient and biddable and here at Africandawns we try to achieve this.
Classes are held throughout the year, outdoors in summer and indoors in winter. Please ring to book or find out more.
Any questions or ready to book? – Get in touch now: 01487 822630