Simply click on the question to see the answer:
1. Do I need to supply my own food?
No - we supply most dog foods but if your dog is on a specialist food then it may be necessary to bring it with you.
2. Can my dog bring his own bed and toys?
Yes - but please be aware they may get lost or chewed and therefore they are left at owners' risk. We do supply plastic beds with blankets or vet bed and have a generous array of toys.
3. If my dog is on any kind of medication are you able to administer it?
Yes - we have fully trained and competent staff and policies on how to treat dogs with medication.
4. Does my dog require Kennel Cough vaccination?
Yes - this is now advised by vets.
5. Will my dog be able to socialise with other dogs?
Boarding dogs are only mixed if it is a customer requirement and this is in the grass paddocks under supervision. Dogs of owners who do not wish their dogs to socialise are kept separate. For those dogs on a residential training course socialisation forms part of their training.
6. How much exercise will my dog receive?
On average dogs go out into the grass paddocks three times per day. Length of time can depend upon weather conditions, but they are always active as most dogs like to watch and be involved in kennel life.
7. If my dog becomes ill and requires a vet: who do you use?
We try to use your own vet but if an emergency arises we use our vet at the Arbury Clinic.
8. If my dog is staying with you on a residential training course does he go off the premises?
Yes - as part of his training, and when ready and responsive, training dogs are taken across the Fens, to local country parks and towns. Dogs in the kennels for boarding only never leave the premises. We have nearly five acres comprising of secure runs and grass paddocks.
9. Are the kennels heated?
Yes - each kennel is individually heated and insulated.
10. Can I look round the kennels before booking my dog in?
Yes - but please book an appointment as we are a busy kennel and like to talk to you to understand your dog's needs and explain our routine to you.